Jakub Jaśkowiec

Change style:

Past Explorer

Social network service which aim is to show how different things changed. Written during 4th year of studies with Bartlomiej Hyzy and Michal Pierog.
We used a lot of design patterns, among others: Abstract Factory, Observer, Composite, Visitor, Strategy, Repository, Row Data Gateway (see documentation).
Technology: C# (ASP .Net MVC 3), PostgreSQL, NHibernate, JQuery.
Documentation. Github repository: https://github.com/qbajas/PhotoHistory

Face recognition

Program which uses neural network and PCA to recognize faces.
Created with Michal Pierog. Technology: Java.
Documentation. Github repository: https://github.com/qbajas/Face-recognition

Learning english

Web application for learning english.
Github repository: https://github.com/qbajas/inzynierka
Technology: Ruby on Rails 3.
Learning english


Ruby on Rails commercial project.

Decision support system

Medical decision support system based on neural network.
Co-creators: Witold Baran, Bartlomiej Hyzy, Mateusz Niesyto, Michal Pierog.
Documentation. Github repository: https://github.com/qbajas/medycyna_projekt
Technology: Java

Professional klika solver

The aim of this program is to showcase the possibilities of genetic algorithm on the example of solving the maximum clique problem.
The algorithm finds the biggest clique in an undirected graph (clique is a subset of graph's vertices such that every two vertices in the subset are connected by an edge).
The algorithm uses many mechanisms used in genetic algorithms, such as: mutation, crossover, selection. The GUI allows using different versions of these mechanisms and changing other parameters.
Co-creators: Michal Pierog, Witold Baran. Technology: Java.


An interactive program, which creates simple and advanced crosswords from the given database of words and definitions, and provides an interactive GUI for solving them. The program can be used either for fun or for educational purposes, e.g. learning new words.
Technology: Java


A game written in Pascal as a 1st year project.